
From an online application form

“Is your gender the same as the gender you were assigned at birth?”

Which made me think….

Look lively lads,here comes the next,
Pass the application.
This one’s not been filled in full
or stamped HM Creation.
Computer show me what’s still scarce?
..it says we’re short of men.
Wake up Fred,you lazy sod
and tick the box marked “M”.
Blue it seems has not been done
Are we somehow short of dyes?
The Bijou Blue is almost out
so make it brown for eyes.
Prospects..hmmm…not much choice
– Parents anal retentive.
Put his chances down as “low”
Give him some incentive.
Hang on though, we’ve missed out looks.
Handsome or a minger?
Tick the box for average Joe
we’ve one too many gingers.
Let’s assign him sporty boss,
bump up the top jock quota.
Break the rules? That’s not allowed.
At least not on MY rota.
Right, that’s done,so stamp him Fred
then move on down the line
Right-oh, boss almost done
Just one left to assign.
Jesus Fred,it’s half past five.
it’s really time I’m gone
Stamp it mate and shove it through.
What unassigned? – Job done.

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